Friday, April 16, 2010

Here is a little background on this tape hobby:

This tape hobby came about because Chris’s car stereo broke. It never worked that great anyway. He decided (for some reason) that he wanted to replace it with a tape deck. He went to a few pawn shops and finally found one. It was band new in the box and came with 2 speakers all for $30! He was a happy boy.
Then he needed some tapes so he ran around to all the DI’s in the valley. FYI – Tapes at DI are only 50 cents. This is an inexpensive hobby (finally!). He came home with 4 blank tapes…..come to find out they are only 30min tapes, 15min on each side. He was a little disappointed but continued his search and now he has this blog.

1 comment:

  1. You're the only person I know who would replace their cars CD player with a tape deck!
    I have to confess... I have a bag stashed in my closet of old mixed tapes I made WAY back when. I used to pop those blank cassettes into the boombox and record the top hits of the week. I can't bring myself to throw them away, even though I have no means of listening to them!

    Gotta love NKOTB! The original boy band, with whom I slept on every night... in the form of a pillowcase!
