Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Please Read

Here is something to think about.

These are long so if you don't have time don't open then.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chris's new look

What do you call this look?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Things you can wash

These are thing that I have found in the washer or dryer and still work after.

Money, head phones, USB

Things that don'ts wash and dry so well:

This is Why:
Who's Jeans do you think those are?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pee Pod

I made a hammock. When I was finished Chris pointed out that it looked like a pee pod. A hammock like this cost $50 at R.E.I. I was going to buy one but then I thought "I could make this for less than that". I got the measurements off the tag and went to the fabric store to get some fabric. Went to home depot and got some carabiners and got 8ft of parashoot cord at R.E.I. I sewed up the fabric and that was it.

Here is its may-din voyage at Crystal hot springs. Chris was making fun of me when I was make it but he sure didn't mind napping in it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Game Inventory

We play lots of games at our house. Just for my own record I want to do an inventory of them.

Starting from top left:
Would you Rather? - Fun for ages 8 - 15
The Last Night on Earth - Chris's Game
Cranium - If you want to feel dumb
Doom - Chris's game, takes to long to play.
Killer Bunnies Board Game - Terrible, takes to long to play.
Cosmic Cows -Fun, 2 play Yahtzee type game.
Kablamo - Fun, doesn't take to long.
Cash and Guns - Great party game.
Yakuza - Expansion

Top right:
Carcassonne Big Box - Fun, includes all expansions.
Fearsome floors - Fun, Pretty quick.
Nuclear War - Fun, cold war game
Nuclear Escalation - Expansion
Nuclear Proliferation -Expansion
Othello - 2 player game
Tikal - Fun

Middle left:
Family Business - Fun, pretty quick.
Alhambra - First expansion
Alhambra - 3rd expansion
fjords - 2 players
Trumpet - Fun
Killer Bunnies - Awesome, 1-2 hours, All 9 expansions, I would say ages 10-30.
Inca Gold - Fun, Pretty Quick
Lose Cites - 2 player
Sequence - Family game, age 7
Munchkin - Ok game, never really got into it.
Wing of War - Fun
Euro Rails - To Long, a Europe version of ticket to ride.
Citidals - Fun card game
Red November - No likey, team game
King me - Kid game.

Middle right top:
Bang! - The Bullet includes all expansions.
Roll thur the Ages - Fun
Bohnanza - Awesome
Mancala - Family game

Top Left:
A card shuffler, poker chips,
Cranium expansion
The little draws has cards, dice, rubber bands etc.
Flux - Ok game
Word Worm - Mini Cranium game.
Cloodle - Mini Cranium game.
Humdinger - Mini Cranium game.
Sculptorades - Mini Cranium game.
Play Nine - Quick game
Brain Quest America - Car game

Top Right:
Ziggity - Mini Cranium game.
Phase 10
Treasures and Traps
Gloom Unw;elcome Guest - Expansion
Escalation - not that great.
Guillotine - Fun, Quick
Cigar box with wings of war plans in it.
Rush Hour - Travel game.

Bottom Left:
Tsuro - Quick, easy, good for all ages
Revolution - Fun, 4 player
Dominion - Fun
Tobago - Fun
Wits and Wagers - party game
Power Grid - Fun, 1-2 hours

Bottom Right:
Mr Jack - 2 player game
Mr. Jack expansion

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Don't be Jealous

Isn't she a beauty?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Farewell Tape

I dug this up two days ago at a local DI - a missionary farewell talk from 1976. I probably will not be listening to it, but I do like that design of the cover. I've got some Depeche Mode I'll be putting on here.
In case you can't read the writig on the tape, it says "Scott Kimball Smith's farewll, 10 Oct. 1976"

Friday, April 16, 2010

Here is a little background on this tape hobby:

This tape hobby came about because Chris’s car stereo broke. It never worked that great anyway. He decided (for some reason) that he wanted to replace it with a tape deck. He went to a few pawn shops and finally found one. It was band new in the box and came with 2 speakers all for $30! He was a happy boy.
Then he needed some tapes so he ran around to all the DI’s in the valley. FYI – Tapes at DI are only 50 cents. This is an inexpensive hobby (finally!). He came home with 4 blank tapes…..come to find out they are only 30min tapes, 15min on each side. He was a little disappointed but continued his search and now he has this blog.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Merry Christmas Ryann!

So I have a secret hobby - I like to go to thrift stores and buy old blank tapes to listen to the mixes that other people put on them years ago. I'll be posting the good ones here as I pick them up. Todays won't really be a mix tape, just one that I picked up for my sister for Christmas, she used to listen to these guys all the time...

Also as an extra bonus I found this one just the other day (still wrapped!) The colors were glorious on it - pink yellow and teal. Makes me want to go chew a big piece of bubblicious. I don't even want to unwrap it, it looks so good like this.